Sending Long Distance Reiki Healing with Love - Healing Sydney

Imagine a kind of healing that has been sent from a practitioner in New York to a man in San Diego who has been suffering from sleep disorders. Next, imagine the man enjoying a good night's sleep through the night. It means the man was set free from anxiety. 

While this sounds unrealistic or even a bit crazy, this process does exist. And, they are backed by adequate scientific research as well. Distance healing can be effective and can be experienced across any distance without the need for physical presence. This post is all about long distance Reiki healing and how it is gaining popularity.

What exactly is a long distance Reiki healing?

Long-distance healing techniques are aimed toward the wellbeing and health of a distance person. Moreover, it includes quantum touch, energy healing, intercessory prayer, and others. While Reiki is administered through hands-on and in-person treatment most of the time, it can be practiced remotely as well.

Also called remote Reiki, long distance Reiki healing doesn't require applicants to be in the same location to receive the treatment. Through different levels of attunement, you can learn from experienced and trained teachers. As such, you can gain access and connect with universal energy.

It is during the second level of attunement that most Reiki practitioners administer long-distance Reiki healing to the recipients. Instead of transferring the healing energy through touch, Reiki practitioners use their thoughts to move energy into the recipient's mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical being.

The best part is that Reiki healing can be sent through time to certain situations that happened in the past. Also, it can be sent to situations that are about to take place in the future as well. And, this benefits people who struggle to accept trauma that happened in the past or is worried about future scenarios.

Reiki treatment facilitates healing and helps manifest a fulfilling future. Suppose a client has an eating disorder and they attribute it to their boss. The client connects to a Reiki practitioner residing in another country. Now, by sending Reiki healing to the relationship, the client gets relieved from the anxieties resulting from the boss's lack of control.


So, by gaining control over life, they can incorporate good food habits. Apart from that, long-distance Reiki treatment is equally helpful for participants who don't like in-person healing sessions because they aren't comfortable being touched.


How does the long-distance Reiki treatment work?

This unique way of healing works best when the participants are in a calm, relaxed environment. And, any other kinds of distractions are strongly discouraged. Moreover, depending on the level of treatment, a long-distance Reiki healing can take between a few minutes to an hour.

To begin with, the recipient has to make sure that they are in a quiet and comfortable location. Next, the client will be asked to rest and get themselves prepared to receive the energy. The practitioner opens palms facing each other and imagines placing the hands on the 7 chakras within the recipient's body.

Some practitioners even use a teddy bear to substitute a client's body. When the process gets completed, the practitioner calls the recipient back and enquires them about the experience. If the treatment was effective, the client would describe that they felt relaxed and calm.

Some practitioners even work with the client's photo along with a healing crystal. However, some practitioners might say that those objects aren't necessary because Reiki healing can be done by channeling the energy and thoughts to anyone. But you should keep in mind that whatever the technique used, ultimate the treatment should benefit you.

What are the potential benefits of a long-distance Reiki treatment?

In general, Reiki treatment is highly relaxing. As you know, the underlying cause of any kind of illness is stress on your body. With the help of Reiki, the stress levels are reduced in a significant way. Reiki practitioners can balance energy that gets blocked in certain areas of the body. Here are the potential benefits of a long-distance Reiki treatment.


· Strengthens the immune system

· Lowers blood pressure and heart rate

· Manages depression

· Alleviates anxiety

· Reduces physical pain caused by ailments such as chronic pain or dental surgery


If you are open to the endless possibilities of Reiki healing, it can be the most effective treatment. However, if you are predetermined that the remote healing isn't going to work for you, it might be a waste of time.


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