How Does Reiki And Distance Healing Work?


Distance healing means sending Reiki energy from a practitioner to a recipient who is not physically present. Distance healing can also refer to sending Reiki energy on behalf of someone else who cannot, for whatever reason, do this themselves. The same principles as with regular Reiki apply; however, some additional considerations should be taken into account due to the nature of the distance.

Distance healing was always important for Reiki to be available to those who were ill but unable to come in for treatment physically. Dr Usui’s student always believed that Reiki's healing energy should be available to those who were still living and not just used as a means of preparing the dead for their transition. To make his intention a reality, he developed a method where Reiki practitioners could send healing energy over short distances to help bring someone to Reiki or lend aid during times of need.

Reiki practitioners use a method called the "Gohonzon" as a basis for reiki distance healing. A Gohonzon, in this case, is an energy board that uses symbols to represent every letter and sound in the English language. There is one for each of the 48 syllables in the Japanese language and all of the vowels and consonants. The practitioner meditates on a passage from the 5 Reiki Principles, which are:

Just for today

1. I will not worry

2. I will not be angry

3. I will be grateful

4. I will do my work honestly

5. I will be kind to my neighbours and every living being

The practitioner uses their own interpretation of these concepts to determine the exact wording they want to use for their healing intention and then creates an energy channel for reiki to flow through. The Reiki principles are a great guide to represent the right healing intention.


Once this energy channel is created, the practitioner sends out a certified remote distance healing on behalf of whomever they are sending it to.

The recipient will still be able to feel some physical, mental and emotional shifts happening during this process; This may help to calm anxiety or panic attacks, helping them overcome depression, grief and distress. Distance healing does not prevent the practitioner from knowing whether their intention was received; however, it is important to always give permission to receive healing and to accept reiki for the healing to work.

There are many ways to send Reiki remotely; it can also be done over a video call, just like a normal face to face session. It is handy to have access to a pendulum, which they can always keep with them when sending distance healing to sense energy blockages.

It is amazing to see how Reiki and distance healing can improve the quality of life for someone. Whether it's a physical ailment or an emotional trauma, this type of healing modality has been shown to have remarkable benefits in numerous studies. 


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