Balancing Remote Reiki Group Healing Circle Every Thursday

 How To Release Stress And Anxiety With Reiki

Prolonged or chronic stress is a big issue because that causes energetic imbalances and can therefore lead to a many physical & mental ailments.

But no matter where you are on your life journey, it is very essential to know that you are not alone in these difficult times and you can receive help with simple tools, to help you find peace.

✨ Now is the right time to let go of everything that does not serve us anymore! ✨

During these regular Online reiki energy healing sessions, you will learn to heal yourself with simple practical tools in order to release stress, fear, anxiety, destructive emotions & self-sabotaging thoughts to live a peaceful life beyond your greatest dreams- even in uncertain times. You will also be able to release your blockages that are limiting you with a unique reiki energy healing.

What is distance healing?

The powerful healing vibration of unconditional love is not limited or affected by distance.

Distance energy healing can be sent across time, space and even over dimensions and it does not require the person to be physically present nor in the same country.

Even During an in-person healing session, the healer works with the person’s energy field and there is almost no physical contact between them, even if the person is in front of the healer.

Love truly goes beyond time and space. It is the right remarkable intention that comes from the wisdom and faith that everything in the Universe is ideal and is powered by unconditional love.

Some recipients even feel calmer and more relaxed, optimistic, and empowered when they receive distance healing at home in their known environment. Their recovery can accelerate when their perception of well-being increases in the comfort of their own home. Read more


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