How does distance crystal healing work?

We often encounter discomforts or illnesses in our bodies. There are many causes of such illnesses and each cause needs a specific way of healing.

Human beings do have dominant oscillatory rates (DOR) that frequently change depending on the environment, the mood and the health state of the individual. The unstable state of the DOR now leads to the change in entropy or leads to a disorder. Entropic states do not affect crystals since their DORs always are in a stable state. Crystals do not grow or change their structures since they are inorganic in nature. Once a crystal has been formed, its state will be the same till it reaches the final stage. This idea can be used to perform crystal healings by specialists. If now we put the crystal in our energy banks, it will help us to maintain a state of entropic balance. By doing so, we shall have achieved crystal healing. Crystal healing therefore can be defined to be an energetic foam of healing that involves holistic approaches to heal the body, the mind and our spirit. Vibrational frequencies from various crystals and stones are used to heal our energy bodies by creating a balanced state of the entropy. Since the crystals have low entropic state and their structure and energetic frequencies being highly stable, our chaotic energies tend to be influenced thus achieving a balanced state. For any healing process by a crystal healer, he/she uses the energy within a crystal to make a healing. Crystal healings by crystal healers are done in affordable sessions in remote areas, distances which are comfortable to their clients within their homes or in their sacred places.

Compared to other foams of healing, crystal healing do not necessarily require that the client and the healer be together in the same place. Time and space do not affect the distance crystal healing process. This is now the advantage of crystal healing.

Healing Sydney.

Energy healing Sydney provides a wide range of skills for healing based on experiences achieved over years. This healing is based in Lidcombe where they help western area of Sydney. The healing helps to provide an energetic balanced state.

Chakra system is usually used in Sydney to perform crystal healing. Within our bodies, specifically in our spinal column, there exist several wheels of energy. Each wheel is always constantly rotating and vibrating thus may cause a state of imbalance within our bodies. The state of our bodies affects these vibration and rotation. The end result of imbalance leads to a high or low flow of energy and at times a blockage in the energy flow. This leads to the state of our bodies being imbalanced causing discomforts or even illness.

Distance crystal healing in Sydney now imports the idea of Chakra balancing to achieve a balanced state of energy supply. This is done by an energy healer who uses vibrational movements to attain a balanced state in our bodies. The healing though can be done using other means apart from the crystal healing.

In our bodies, there exist several Chakras that need to be healed. The healing is done by using specific crystal that is known to the healer. To be specific, there exist seven Chakras in our bodies listed including the appropriate crystal to use in healing. These chakras ranges from root chakra, sacral chakra, solar chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra to crown chakra. The common types of crystal used to heal these Chakras are the Red Jasper, Garnet, Onyx, Rubies, Hematite, Moonstone, Citrine, Amber, Topaz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, among others. Each Chakra requires specific crystal for healing.

During this healing process, you will be required to be patient since it may take between 60-90 minutes. The healer uses his/her hands to remove blockages within your body where you can feel different sensations and perhaps figure out some kinds of imaginary pictures and messages. You are advised not to concentrate on them so that you do not disrupt the process.


This kind of healing may not be practiced by all people for they might not belief that it works. However, for healing to be successful, it requires faith by both the healer and the client.


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