How does distance crystal healing work?

We often encounter discomforts or illnesses in our bodies. There are many causes of such illnesses and each cause needs a specific way of healing. Human beings do have dominant oscillatory rates (DOR) that frequently change depending on the environment, the mood and the health state of the individual. The unstable state of the DOR now leads to the change in entropy or leads to a disorder. Entropic states do not affect crystals since their DORs always are in a stable state. Crystals do not grow or change their structures since they are inorganic in nature. Once a crystal has been formed, its state will be the same till it reaches the final stage. This idea can be used to perform crystal healings by specialists. If now we put the crystal in our energy banks, it will help us to maintain a state of entropic balance. By doing so, we shall have achieved crystal healing. Crystal healing therefore can be defined to be an energetic foam of healing that involves holistic approaches to heal the b...