How To Control Your Stress and Anxiety on Stage

So, you are ready to speak in front of the crowd. But, hey your palms are sweaty, knees weak, and arms are heavy; well that’s “Stage Fright.” Ask even most successful politicians who regularly address large gatherings he/she will definitely face a scenario of trembling fears when they approach the lectern. Millions of people from different walks of life confront the involuntary response when delivering a presentation. There are several symptoms of stage fright, combined known as performance anxiety . These include rapid breathing, racing pulse, nausea, cold hands, and vision changes. While, stage fright is pretty normal, but you don’t have to live it throughout your personal and professional life. Agree or not, this one negative aspect when ruins your career in a big way. This can lower your self-esteem, further holding them back from bagging the leadership roles. So, if you’re struggling with stage anxiety, it is important to control it before starts to control you. Below, we li...